I found Adperk from a forum 2 days ago, and I just loved it so much that I'm gonna post about it here!!
Adperk.com allows you to watch short videos/commercials for credits that can be redeemed for magazine subscriptions!
Most videos are about 2 minutes long, and you could get up to 2 credits for each video that you watched. You will need to enter a confirmation code at the end of the video to make sure that you actually watched the video. (They only give you 30 seconds to enter the code or else you have to watch the video again.)
But I found a way how NOT to watch the video AND get credits for "watching" it:
I like the long videos that get you 2 credits and so I just turn the volume up and sit next to the computer to read a magazine/book. After I hear that the sound stopped, I come over to the computer and enter the code!
They don't have much magazines that you can subscribe to right now, but I like the ones in the "coming soon" list, so I would check back daily to see whether or not we could watch videos for new magazines yet!
Once you get to Adperk, just choose a magazine from the bottom (You don't need to download the media kit), click on the register button from the top bar, and start watching videos to earn credits!
Some magazines need more credits than others, but they all need around 26 credits. So that's like 30 minutes of your time (13 2-minute videos) for a free magazine subscription, not bad!
Check out Adperk right now!
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