I just read an article published by the New York Times about a (quite popular) kind of weed killer, atrazine, and how dangerous it is when you ingest atrazine! It really made me think about whether it's safe to drink water right from the tap and if I should get some type of water filtering system now, or just switch to drinking bottled water altogether.
From the New York Times article:
Officials at the Environmental Protection Agency say Americans are not exposed to unsafe levels of atrazine. They say that current regulations are adequate to protect human health, and that the doses of atrazine coming through people’s taps are safe — even when concentrations jump.
But some scientists and health advocates disagree. They argue that the recent studies offer enough concerns that the government should begin re-examining its regulations. They also say that local water systems — which have primary responsibility for the safety of drinking water — should be forced to monitor atrazine more frequently, in order to detect short-term increases and warn people when they occur.
The E.P.A. has not cautioned pregnant women about the potential risks of atrazine so that they can consider using inexpensive home filtration systems. And though the agency is aware of new research suggesting risks, it will not formally review those studies until next year at the earliest. Federal scientists who have worked on atrazine say the agency has largely shifted its focus to other compounds.
I decided to check out some water filtration systems for my kitchen after I read the article, since I do not want to spend a lot of money on bottled water, nor do I want to risk ingesting too much atrazine. Here's what I found:
Zuvo Water, a water purator/home water filter that breaks
down contaminants (such as weed killer) in tap water and makes it safe to drink for everyone. I have not tried the product myself yet but I'm really thinking about buying one... I mean, it's better to be safe than sorry!