They have new HouseParties from time to time so check back to their Event Page often.
It's not first come, first serve, but you definitely want to apply before it's too late. Not everyone gets in, since there are ALWAYS TONS of people signing up for the houseparties, and the companies do have a specific kind of people that they want to host their parties.
Once they have viewed all the applications for a houseparty they will send out emails to everyone who applied, telling them if they got in or not (Usually about a week before the HouseParty date).
Now here's the first come, first serve part. If you got in, HURRY UP and click on the link in your email to set up your party! Sometimes a lot of people qualify to host the party so it's only the first 1,000 or something people who click on the link in their email and could actually get the free party package.
I came across this site about a month ago, and signed up for the Hershey Bliss Chocolate party, and I actually got to host it (the party was for my daughter and her friends though)!
They sent me a nice big (FREE) party package that included everything from napkins to 9 bags of chocolate!
Here's a picture of the package:

The party itself is actually not a lot of work, you just need to fill out an online survey to see if you qualify to host the party, set up your party online if you got in, invite your friends to the party through or email, and then have your party!!
I think the houseparties are available to Canada residents, too.
And if you have any other questions about the houseparties, email me or visit their FAQ section.
Oh by the way I recommend you to sign up for an account right now so you can get on the mailing list and they'll send you emails when a new houseparty is added, but the account doesn't really do anything unless you got into a houseparty and needs to go on to set up your party's website.