Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Free pair of Pearl Earrings!

Guess what I got in the mail today - for free? A pair of pearl earrings!
Here's what it looks like:
Pearl Earrings with a silk pouch

I was a little confused at first, the mail was addressed to me, but I don't remember getting a free pair or pearl earrings! And then I read the little card that was in the mail: "thanks for linking to us, enjoy your free earrings!"
So I suddenly remembered that I used my daughter's website to link to them and after they checked if the link was still there for 30 days, they send you a pair of free pearl earrings along with a nice little silk pouch to put it in!

It's very simple, just click here to fill your shipping information and your blog/website link (Don't use your MySpace profile), get the HTML codes that you can put on your website, put it on, and after about 45 days, a pair of BEAUTIFUL pearl earrings will show up in your mailbox!

If you need any help, email me at maggie9595@gmail.com.

Freebies for Tuesday, April 22

Sample of 5-Hour Energy Drinks

Oil Pastel Sample Set(12 Colors)- great for kids
Promo Code:SA2008

Free Red Dress Pins

Free Hamburger Helper® Microwave Singles® sample
I already got it - very yummy!

Free PowerBar Sample (Canada)

Free Aloe Vera Sample (Canada)

Body Eclipse© Aromatherapy Shampoo Sample (Canada and USA)

Sample of Garlic Gold

Healthful Life Cat Food Sample
Top right corner

Free eyeglass case when you register
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It's All About The Money!

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