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Here are the freebies that I got in the mail last month:

My favorites:

A Nic's nail polish stick from SheSpeaks which I will write about later this month.

A wireless bluetooth headset from Buy.com, I actually got it for 72 cents, but still a GREAT DEAL!
Wanna get your own? Click here.

Aveeno NightCream from BzzAgent, another good WOM (word of mouth) company that I will write about this month.

Ah, Hershey's Bliss chocolate, a part of the hershey chocolate houseparty package. I had the party for my daughter and her friends all loved the chocolate!
(I'll also write about the houseparty website where I got this from, probably next week.)

Got these for my 12 year old daughter, they're her favorite magazines so I guess it was a great freebie.

I LOVE Lucky Magazine!! I got a free 1 year subscription of it. I was really LUCKY, huh?

A beautiful pair of pearl earrings! I wrote about how to get it earlier this month, click here to read that post.
I also got two great product tests last month from Viewpoint Forum and MySurvey.
And here's what I earned last month:

That's a $10 check from MySurvey!!
It doesn't say anything about MySurvey on it though..

My first check from Pinecone Research. I have gotten 2 so far from them.
$3 each.
Happy freebie hunting and money-making everyone!