Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Changes on Send Earnings

If you already signed up for Send Earnings, you might've noticed that they got a new layout today. But they have changed WAY MORE than just their layout.

They have changed their daily surveys from $1 each to only 50 cents each! And some of the surveys take me 20 minutes to do, only for 50 cents? NO THANK YOU.

Also, today I finally got enough money in my account to request my first check, and guess what I noticed, they take $3 off your total earnings for processing fees! And that is just NOT FAIR at all, because you can't see that message if you don't have enough money to cash out, and after they change their surveys to only 50 cents each, it would take people a week just to earn $3!

They added a gold membership, too, which I think is a good thing. After you request your first check, you become a gold member, and that gets you more referral rewards, double sweepstakes entries, exclusive monthly offer, and weekly payments. But if they send you a check every week, do they take off $3 of your earnings, EVERY WEEK??!

So after all this changes I don't really recommend people to sign up for Send Earnings anymore unless you like to do offers and want cashback for shopping online. (you can still complete the offers and do some surveys to make a lot money) I don't do a lot of shopping online so I think I'll cancel my account after I get my check.
(and after you request a check, you still have to keep reading the paid emails and be active, or else they don't send you your check!)

Anyways if you want to know more about Send Earnings, click here.

*But here's what Connie, the owner of Katie Hugs Work at home free!, says: "It doesn't matter.. it's basically free money with or without the $3. You can't cash out until you reach $30 so if I have $33 in my account I STILL get $30 for free. I like free money, what can I say.. ;)"*


Tara said...

I signed up for send earnings a couple weeks ago... of course I haven't made enough to cash out and probably wont for moths, lol. But I must have missed the deadline because they have all been worth .50 for me :( a couple have been really short though

Maggie said...

Maybe now they have all short surveys? Hmm I don't know.
I did a survey yesterday and it was really short compared to the other ones that I have done.

We'll see. I'm kinda thinking of still making money with them since now they have tons of free offers that are $1 and I wanna try out the Gold Membership.

Anonymous said...

I signed up with Send Earnings awhile ago but haven't earned enough yet to cash out. It is taking a while but the way I see it, it is easy money *g*. Btw I have linked you on my blog at

Maggie said...

Hi Linda,
Well I think now it will be pretty hard to earn money with SendEarnings since they changed their surveys to ONLY $0.50!
So I stopped logging on to SendEarnings a while ago, but I still have to do the emails, or they won't send me the check!

Good Luck and nice blog you got there! (thanks for linking me :D but I don't see the link?)

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