Whether you've been getting freebies for 2 months or 2 years, I'm sure everyone has a favorite! This contest is an opportunity for you to share your favorite freebie AND get a chance to win great prizes!
It will run from today (August 6th) to Wednesday, August 20th.
Reply to this post with the following form filled out.
First Name & First Letter of Last Name:
How long have you been getting freebies online:
Tell us a little about your favorite freebie:
- You can only get 2 entries max. into this contest (1 by commenting and 1 by posting a picture, don't just comment twice!) , please do not enter multiple times!
- I am not asking for your email address when you enter this contest so if you don't email me within 24 hours after I post you as a winner here on Wednesday the 20th I will choose another winner! Let me know if you won't be going online around the 20th but still want to enter.
- Please write at least 1 sentence describing your favorite freebie, or you will not be entered into this contest. (For example: DO NOT just say "a laptop" but write a sentence like "a laptop that I won online from Dell")
Since there can't really be a BEST favorite freebie, I will use this List Randomizer to randomly choose a winner.
I'll enter the name of everyone who entered and the person whose name is next to the 1 will get the first prize, 2 = second prize, etc.
Winners will be decided on August 20th and a big thank-you to One2One Network for sponsoring this contest!
First Prize (1 winner)
I Stand album by Idina Menzel & an Idina Menzel Tote ($29.99 value)

MORE about this prize:
The album was released on January 29, 2008 and I love it! Idina Menzel is amazing. Click here to listen to the songs in it. It's actually the first time that I've heard her songs, but wow! I can relate to the song lyrics really easily and Idina has such a wonderful, wonderful voice.
Really, if you don't win, it's worth it checking out/buying her album!!
Here are the songs in the album:
"I Stand"
"Better To Have Loved"
"Where Do I Begin"
"Don't Let Me Down"
"I Feel Everything"
"My Own Worst Enemy"
"Perfume And Promises"
"Brave" (Acoustic) (iTunes bonus track)
"Defying Gravity" (iTunes bonus track)
"Let Me Fall" (Special Edition bonus track)(Originally by Bethany Joy Galeotti)
"I Stand" (Acoustic) (Special Edition bonus track)
"Gorgeous" (Acoustic) (Barnes & Noble Bonus Track)
"God Give Me Strength" (Borders Bonus Track)
"I Stand"
"Better To Have Loved"
"Where Do I Begin"
"Don't Let Me Down"
"I Feel Everything"
"My Own Worst Enemy"
"Perfume And Promises"
"Brave" (Acoustic) (iTunes bonus track)
"Defying Gravity" (iTunes bonus track)
"Let Me Fall" (Special Edition bonus track)(Originally by Bethany Joy Galeotti)
"I Stand" (Acoustic) (Special Edition bonus track)
"Gorgeous" (Acoustic) (Barnes & Noble Bonus Track)
"God Give Me Strength" (Borders Bonus Track)
(Purchase it from Amazon by clicking Here and thanks again to One2One Network for providing this prize!)
Second Prize (1 winner)
5 free MP3 (song) downloads from Rhapsody ($4.95 value)
Third Prize (4 winners)
1 free MP3 (song) download from RingCandy ($0.99 value each)
You will get a coupon redeemable for a free 1.25 oz Bag of Flat Earth(R) Veggie Crisps at Subway Restaurants!
(You'd have to email me after you enter and then I can send you this!)
Good luck!
1.Lakeshia C.
2.I been getting freebies for the last 8 years from all kinds of websites
3. My favorite freebie so far has been my Oprah tote with some of Oprahs favorite things.
Hi, this is Sarah A. I have been looking for freebies for about 3 years now. Let's see my favorite freebie...that is really hard. It was about a year back. I was given a book by one of my favorite authors. Another author I like reading sent me a bunch of autographed stuff. Really though,to me, any freebie is a great one :)
1. Alice S
2. I've been getting freebies for only two months.
3. My favorite freebie is my magazine subscription to Reader's Digest!
1. Pam C
2. I have been doing freebies for sometime now I would say abut 2 years, and have gotten tons of great freebies, but the best one was from NPO Survey it was a DVD player, and I am working on getting another freebie very soon!
1. Kelsey Weigel
2. I just started with freebies, and so far I have won 2 cute little hair clips. I guess everyone starts off small! Hehe
3. Seeing as I've only won one, freebie, I would have to say the child hair clips are my favorite, thus far! But I hope to win more freebies, and have a more desirable favorite!!
Thanks so much!
1. LaKendra C.
2. I've been receiving freebies for more than 10 years now.
3. My favorite freebie that I've ever received was an electric toothbrush with a matching sanitizer for the toothbrush heads. (valued at $150)
I just love to get freebies.
My favorite is A beatiful tote bag.I have won stuffed animals and
lots of shampoo.
josh c
i have been to ur website and i was impressed every thing i went to was legit
i won a free camera off of rewards1.com
i need ur email so i can get my coupon mine is lookjosh@yahoo.com
I sent the coupon Josh :)
And this was an entry accidentally sent to my email, I'll post it here so everyone can see it:
Name: Tara S.
Comments: I have been getting freebies for years- seems like they were definitely better years ago. I use to get teeshirts (now they never show) but the best ever freebie? A pair of sneakers ( I want to say they were Asics) 9 years ago. They were the best sneakers I have ever owned, not only free but comfortable and lasted for years- and came with a hat and a sweatshirt (really, I swear, lol) I only wish a had a picture!
That's a super freebie! Wow!
Linda E.
I've been collecting freebies for about nine years now.
My favorite freebies are the tshirts, various colors and graphics. My favorite freebie of all time? (I won this one) a 1998 Kia Sportage
I have two :)
I have b33n doing freebies for 2 1/2 years
1. Maybelline Instant Age Rewind Houseparty: 12 Full Sized Products, 12 Light Up Mirrors, Parties Book from BH&G, samples coupons, large mirror, and a disposable camera.
2. I won a philly cream cheese basket which contained:
6 FREE Bagel Coupons
6 FREE creamcheese coupons
2 Mugs
2 Spreaders
and a basket
Hi I am Mary C.! I have been getting freebies for quite awhile now, probably since I have had the internet....about 10 years. My favorite freebie is any freebie!!!! Hehe :) I guess my favorite freebie is from Bzz Agent, the Sonicare toothbrush. Of course I have gotten many free items from survey sites and reward sites but you have to do something for them.
My favorite freebie, well that is hard to say since so mant were so nice...but I will say the Sonicare toothbrush from Buzz Agent, but also the choxies, needed the brush after that!
My best freebie was a Harmony remote control from BzzAgent. I looove this thing. It does a lot more than we ever imagined, and it was super easy to set up! I have been getting freebies since 2005.
1. Terra H.
2. I've been getting freebies online for about 1.5 years and I am ADDICTED!!! Thanks for everyone that posts!!!
3. My favorite freebie so far was my margaritta maker! Love it!!! :)
This is Alice C. =)I think I've been getting freebies for about 3-4 years. I really don't know, haha its been a long time. =) Well, my favorite freebie was the Avon/Glamour Swag Bag giveaway! It was so exciting because it was the first 500 each day and I had to wake up before 5:00 in the morning to enter.
Janine H.
I've been getting freebies for about 4 years. My favorite freebie is anything beauty--shampoo/conditioner, lotion, deodorant, etc!
1. Kate F. (kdka421)
2. I've been doing freebies/Slickdeals around 1 year now.
3. My favorite freebie so far has been an ipod nano that I won :)
Here's ANOTHER one sent to my email:
Name: lisa c.
Comments: i have been getting freebies for about 2 years now and my favorite are the gift cards for surveys..I save them up and use them for xmas.
Yet another emailed to me..
Name: Cristi C
Comments: I have been sending away for freebies for years now (not quite sure how many) but concentrating on it more recently since March of this year. I have gotten so many neat things but I think my favorites are the gift cards I earn on the survey/forum sites I am a member of. I like the fact that I can use these as Christmas gifts.
My name is Neal W. and I have been looking for freebies on the internet throughout the past 5 years. My favorite freebie that I received was a $2000 Visa gift card that I received. It took me a while to spend it, but it was enjoyable. I also liked a Sony Vaio computer that I won.
(1) Kyle W.
(2) I've been getting freebies for 4-5 years now.
(3) My favorite freebie was an AOL promotion a LONG time ago. They were offering a $100 Amazon GC just for signing up for a free trial. I signed up for 6 free trial accounts and got $600 in Amazon GC's to spend. :-P Even today it still remains the best Slick Deal I've ever gotten.
1. Hello! I am Joanna S.
2. I have been getting and looking for freebies for the past year or so. Not that long compared to some here!
3. My favorite freebie is a DB Clay Wallet I received from FreeFroot - it is truly a work of art, much more than just a wallet.
As others have said, any freebie is a gift, and I use them, and if I like the product, then I purchase them. The companies are not wasting their time with me, because most likely I will want the item in my home and they have made an instant customer out of me!
OK, here is another one that was just emailed to me.. ahh.. I think I need to move the contact me form somewhere else!
Name: Sue Farrell
Comments: Hi, I'm Sue F. and I've been getting online freebees for about 3 years now--my favorites are the useful ones, like toothpaste, shampoo, and soap. I got some really nice scented soap just recently which was a real treat.
1) Hello my name is Sab P.
2) I've been getting freebies for about two years now.
3) My fav is a Flashlight/Lamp from Marlbro Cigerettes, I don't i said i did I know I'm bad! It is a great light that I just love you don't know how crappy your flashlights are till you get a good one, best part it was FREE!!!
Beverley J
Thirteen years
My favorite freebie are books for my grandchildren, especially during Christmas time.
Thanks to everyone who has entered so far.
If you forgot to leave your first name and last initial / how long you've been getting freebies online your comment has been deleted.
So enter again if you think you entered but don't see your post here.
1) Debra R.
2) I have been getting freebies for about 2 years now...not quite an expert yet...but learning!
3) My favorite freebie was actually from a casino (if that can be considered free!). It was a really nice huge, closed-lid, white deep-fryer. I guess I have 2 fav's...the other was accidental...I got a $90 dress shipped to me that the store told me was cancelled due to "insufficient stock availability", it was shipped with the rest of my order.
1) Barbara B.
2) I've been getting and signing up for freebies for over three years now and love everything...
3) My favorite freebie in the world (since I'm diabetic) are the free glucose meters that Bayer offers...I signed up for their email alerts when a new and improved monitor becomes available and I should be receiving a "green apple" colored monitor within the next week...it's so cool and I can't wait to get it!!!
1. Kevin R
2. I've received freebies on-line for about 10 years.
3. My favorite freebies are Gillette razors.
Kristi B
I've been entering for about 5 years!
My favorite was an Ipod I won about two years ago!
1. Carol N.
2. Digging Freebies for 7 years now!
3. Fave freebie t-shirts, no matter what they have printed on them!
My fav freebie is samples of toothpaste and shampoos that I keep in a travel bag to take on vacation!
1. Mike K.
2. 3 years...since August 05 actually.
3. My favorite freebie was a $15 dollar Amazon Gift Card because I used it to buy a used copy of the seventh Harry Potter book and a golf video game. :)
Elizabeth M.
I think I've been looking for freebies for about 10 years now.
I love freebie magazine subscriptions. I have one right now to Family Fun for 2 years and that's definitely my favorite!
1. Susanne T.
2. 10 years or more
3. Coupons to try new items!
1.Juan N.
2.this is actually my first time entering a freebee contest.
3.ive never won anything on here and was just browsing and saw " Idina Menzel" im a huge fan of hers from the time she was on rent & wicked. have heard her album but havent bought so i will be super excited if i win this prize. and my 1st one.
I have been getting freebies for a few years
My best won has been the House Party freebies:)I have hosted 15 housepartys.
other than that the other best freebies have been the parliemnt beach towel and shirts and prizes from MCC:)
Oprah tote bag:)
My favorite freebie was the Oprah
tote,lots of cool stuff inside.I
like the Walmart freebies too.I have been doing this for about five years.Thanks for the giveaway
I like to get free samples from Walmart online
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