previously known as make money and get freebies online; brought to you by a true frugalista.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Changes on Send Earnings
They have changed their daily surveys from $1 each to only 50 cents each! And some of the surveys take me 20 minutes to do, only for 50 cents? NO THANK YOU.
Also, today I finally got enough money in my account to request my first check, and guess what I noticed, they take $3 off your total earnings for processing fees! And that is just NOT FAIR at all, because you can't see that message if you don't have enough money to cash out, and after they change their surveys to only 50 cents each, it would take people a week just to earn $3!
They added a gold membership, too, which I think is a good thing. After you request your first check, you become a gold member, and that gets you more referral rewards, double sweepstakes entries, exclusive monthly offer, and weekly payments. But if they send you a check every week, do they take off $3 of your earnings, EVERY WEEK??!
So after all this changes I don't really recommend people to sign up for Send Earnings anymore unless you like to do offers and want cashback for shopping online. (you can still complete the offers and do some surveys to make a lot money) I don't do a lot of shopping online so I think I'll cancel my account after I get my check.
(and after you request a check, you still have to keep reading the paid emails and be active, or else they don't send you your check!)
Anyways if you want to know more about Send Earnings, click here.
*But here's what Connie, the owner of Katie Hugs Work at home free!, says: "It doesn't matter.. it's basically free money with or without the $3. You can't cash out until you reach $30 so if I have $33 in my account I STILL get $30 for free. I like free money, what can I say.. ;)"*
Freebies for Wednesday, April 30
Sample Of Alaway Eye Drops
Always Thin Sample
Free Sample Of Disinfecting Wipes
Free Spice Sample Each Month When You Join The Club
Free Victoria Herbs Sample
Beauty Of Bathing Sample
3D Rubber Keychain When You Request A Catalog
Free Sample Of Kleen To Go Personal Protection Pads
Free "Living The Country Life" Magazine Subscription
• Inspiration for your lawn and garden
• Ideas for landscape projects
• How-to’s for working on fences and barns
• Tool and equipment reviews
• Maintenance tips to keep your tractors running their best
• Help to attract and control wildlife
• Sizzling backyard barbecues ... and more!
Free recipe booklet "Simply The Best In 20 Minutes Or Less: Great Bean Recipes From America's Top Chefs"
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Opinion Outpost
I signed up with Opinion Outpost at the beginning of this month, and every week I receive about 2 survey invitations in the email from them. Sometimes I don't qualify for the surveys, but they tell you early on, usually within the first 2 minutes of the survey that you don't qualify. But with some of the surveys, you get paid even if you only completed PART of the survey. You can get all the information that you need in the email when they invite you to a survey.
I have only done 4 surveys for Opinion Outpost, and I already have cashed out for a $16 check! They pay pretty good for the surveys. Most of the time more than $3. I completed the same movie survey for both Opinion Outpost and SendEarnings, but Opinion Outpost paid me $5 for the 10 minute survey while SendEarnings only paid me $1.
When you complete a survey, you get opinion points, 10 points is equal to $1. You will need a minimum of 50 points to cash out.
You get 10 points when your referral signs up and completes their first survey.
Their customer service is pretty good. They often make mistakes and don't credit you for surveys that you actually completed, just use the feedback link on the left side. I contacted them once when that happened to me and they emailed me back within 24 hours and credited me. I got an extra 1 point, too! :D
If you already signed up, don't forget to complete all the profile surveys (you can find them here). You don't get points for doing these suveys but completing them will get you more paid survey invites!
Click here to sign up for Opinion Outpost!
* 11/23/2008 Update - They've added a new Instant Win Game!
Freebies for Tuesday, April 29
Looks nice!
Dandy-Lyon Bites Kid's Snack Sample
Free Shaker From Kahlua
Sample Of Dove Intensive Damage Therapy Shampoo & Conditioner From Costco
Comes in a nice little bottle, great for traveling
Free Braille Bug Alphabet Card (International)
For teachers & kids
Healthy Coffee Sample
Fish Oil Sample
Free Baseball Cap
Promotion Code 605
Free Face Mask Sample
Monday, April 28, 2008
Freebies for Monday, April 28
from Wal-Mart
PETA’s vegetarian starter kit
full of recipes, tips on making the switch, and much more.
(you can also order it for a friend here or download it here)
Free sample of Sensodyne® toothpaste
from Wal-Mart
Free Poster "Eye Facts For Children"
I got this a while back - a very nice poster, now it's hanging on my daughter's bedroom wall! :D
Tea sample from My Place For Tea
Free Current Address Labels
Free Milk Matters Coloring Book For Kids
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Freebies for Sunday, April 27
(when you sign up for their newsletter)
Sample of Purex Laundry Detergent
Sample of Purex Detergent and a coupon
just click on "save and submit"
Advil Samples + $2 off coupon
A free kit from White Sox Kids Club
sounds great, your kid will get lots of freebies from them
Free Sample Of Yappy Dog Treats
Free Amazon Healthy Tea Sample
Free Guide To Cooking Indian Food At Home
Scroll down until you see the form
Free Printable Monopoly Money
Free Printable Certificates - nice
Family Records Organizer CD-ROM
got this, very helpful!
Klean Kampsite Bag
Sample of Playtex Sport
Free Menopause Kit with full size samples
free sample of Aquaphor Healing Ointment
Sample of Garnier UltraLift Pro-X
(not sure if they can ship to the US, since it's a UK website.. But worth a try.)
Pinecone Research Is Accepting New Members Today
*Read about this company here*
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Freebies for Saturday, April 26
(except for California residents, must be 21 years of age or older)
Enter the Cute Kid Contest and get:
A free 8X10 Canvas Portrait
Chance To Win $1000's In Prizes
1 Year Subscription To Parenting Magazine
Murad catalog and free samples
Free saftey sample kit
Free Yellowstone Trip Planner Kit - a nice big package from them
Free 3 Year Subscription To Remedy Life Magazine
Free sample of Dove pro·age™ beauty body lotion
2 free books from
Actually completely free! I got the 2 free books along with some bookmarks.
Just email them ( after you get the books and tell them that you want to cancel your account.
I didn't have to pay a cent for these books!!
Friday, April 25, 2008
After you sign up, you can check the samples page everyday for new samples, and you only have to click ONE BUTTON, no need to fill out any additional forms, in order to get the free samples!!
You can also earn Tryer Miles when you give feedbacks on freebies, visit their website, complete short surveys, and visit manufacturers' websites. When you have at least 1000 tryer miles, you can then redeem your points for some rewards like calenders and pens.
StartSampling has a cool blog, too. I check the blog AND the website everyday to make sure that I know about all the freebies that they offer. Click here to go to StartSampling News - StartSampling's official blog.
Right now StartSampling has free samples like 1 free issue of Marie Claire Magazine, Quaker Simple Harvest Granola bars, and much more!
So click here to become a member of StartSampling right now.
Freebies for Friday, April 25
I have tried this before - YUM!!!
Free Okami Cover Artwork For Your Wii (US And Canada)
Free Sample Of Gold Africa Coffee
Samples From Dentek
(got this before, very nice samples with a coupon.)
Alterna Haircare Samples
Free sample of Safe-Guard Dewormer for your dog
Free dreamcatcher keychain and address labels
Got these a week ago, very beautiful.
Pinecone Research Is Accepting New Members Today
*Read about this company here*
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Freebies for Thursday, April 24
Green Tea Sample From Q-Leaf Tea
Free Sample Draft Writing Book For Teachers
Sample Of ZingiberRX Joint Cream
Free Package Of Nads Hair Removal Strips - Hurry if you want this one
Free Boxes for People that Sell stuff on eBay
Arm & Hammer Toothpaste Sample
Page is slow, but after it loads click SKIP and then click for a free sample
Aquafresh Toothpaste Samples
Free Caulk Singles Samples
(Fast sample - up to 15 days of delivery)
Free Measuring Tape For Kids
Mangosteen Juice Samples
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Freebies for Wednesday, April 23
Free sample of Herbal Coffee
(when you register)
Cool Spud Potato Washable Tattoos - up to 30
Got this for my daughter - she loved it!
The Allergy Sufferer's Survival Guide
Free Konsyl Shaker Cup with Sample Packets
Free ACM Flip Top Calculator - available for lots of countries
Free Sample Of Olay Eye Derma-Pod (Canada)
Free Tape Measure From HelpYouDiet
Helzberg Diamonds Catalog
Nourishing Foot Cream Sample
Guide To a Healthy Home
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Free pair of Pearl Earrings!
Here's what it looks like:

I was a little confused at first, the mail was addressed to me, but I don't remember getting a free pair or pearl earrings! And then I read the little card that was in the mail: "thanks for linking to us, enjoy your free earrings!"
So I suddenly remembered that I used my daughter's website to link to them and after they checked if the link was still there for 30 days, they send you a pair of free pearl earrings along with a nice little silk pouch to put it in!
It's very simple, just click here to fill your shipping information and your blog/website link (Don't use your MySpace profile), get the HTML codes that you can put on your website, put it on, and after about 45 days, a pair of BEAUTIFUL pearl earrings will show up in your mailbox!
If you need any help, email me at
Freebies for Tuesday, April 22
Oil Pastel Sample Set(12 Colors)- great for kids
Promo Code:SA2008
Free Red Dress Pins
Free Hamburger Helper® Microwave Singles® sample
I already got it - very yummy!
Free PowerBar Sample (Canada)
Free Aloe Vera Sample (Canada)
Body Eclipse© Aromatherapy Shampoo Sample (Canada and USA)
Sample of Garlic Gold
Healthful Life Cat Food Sample
Top right corner
Free eyeglass case when you register
Monday, April 21, 2008
Viewpoint Forum
I almost forgot about Viewpoint until today when I received a survey invitation (by email) from them. The survey only took somewhere around 3 minutes, and I got 30 points, but guess what! I also qualified for a liquid soap product test! It says that I will get to test the soap for 3 months and provide feedback at the end of every month. And I guess by feedback they probably just mean a report on how you liked or disliked the product.
When you sign up for Viewpoint, you can get 150 points just for completing a simple profile, and when you have at least 375 points in your account, which is equal to $10 cash, you can request a payment by check.
You can also refer your friends and get 100 points for every one of them that signs up.
But actually, the only way that you can sign up for Viewpoint Forum is by an email invitation from one of the current Viewpoint members, but right now I can't refer any of you guys because you only get 5 referrals after you sign up and I have used up all 5! Sorry!
Freebies for Monday, April 21
Coupon for a free FitSmart Bar
Free Issue Of Cooking Pleasures Magazine
(if they send you any bills, just ignore it)
Copy of My Child's Health Notebook
Join the left-handers club and get a free "backwards" calendar
Create A Card Sample Pack
Free 7 Essentials Sample
(Sample is available to UK and USA)
Free Juicy Juice Sippy Cup For Children After You Register
Sunday, April 20, 2008
VERY Cheap Blue Tooth Headset
(only people in California, USA has to pay for the taxes! And I live in CA, otherwise, it's free.)
1.Click here and then add 1 to cart
2.Then Click Proceed to cart & check out
3.Look for the Google Checkout button at the right, after you click on it you will be taken to the page where you'll have to fill in your billing & shipping information
4.Now you should see your shopping cart, and see where it says Shipping & Handling, choose 7 to 9 business days for free shipping.
5. then look at your shipping information, if it's correct, click on Place your order now for your Almost-Free Blue Tooth Headset!!
I just got mine today! It's really small and light weight.

They left it in my mailbox when it says on their website that it would be delivered by FedEx! Oh well.
Freebies for Sunday, April 20
Free Ready To Use Strip Mini Kits From Waxaway
Free can of the NEW Mighty Dog® Select Menu Seared Filets™
Samples of Sun Crystals natural sweetener
($2 off coupon at the right)
Free Med Minder - 7 Day Pill Organizer
Sample of Brazilian Exotic Oil Infusions Body Wash
A catalog and a week's worth of facial samples
Free goodie bags from Petsmart on April 22
!!!Almost-Free Blue Tooth Headset!!!
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Freebies for Saturday, April 19
2 Free Bottles Of Colonox
Free 2008 Space Camp Guide And Magnet
Wildlife Calendar
Free Taste Test Kit From DogsBreakfast
(USA and Canada)
Samples of True Lemon, True Lime, and True Orange
Just got this last week, it was great!
Free Sample Of Cinch Energy Tea
(After the short survey)
Gifts And Information From Go-Insulin For People With Diabetes - very nice
Free Older Versions Of Softwares
Itch Relief Lotion Kit With A Coupon
Get A Free Charmin Mega Roll Extender
Sample Kits Of GBC Products
Booklet Of Low-fat Recipes
Auto Freshener Samples
Cover The Uninsured Promotional Materials
Free Hard Copy of Earthquake Preparedness Handbooks
Free Digilake's blank DVD+R
Friday, April 18, 2008
CashCrate and InboxDollars
With CashCrate, you can earn money by completing offers, referring people, and doing daily surveys. But you can do 2 surveys per day, $0.80 for each one. The surveys are shorter than the ones from Send Earnings! You can earn cash for some of the offer and points for others. The minimum payout for cash is $ 10, and you can use the points to redeem rewards from their rewards stores.
Their referral rate is higher than Send Earnings, you will earn 20% of what they make, plus 10% of what THEIR referrals make! Also, you get an additional $3 BONUS when your referrals gets $10 in their accounts.
Now InboxDollars, which is exactly the same as Send Earnings, the layouts are also very similar! You also have to have $30 of earnings in order to cash out, and you can play games, get cash back for shopping online, do daily surveys, read emails and complete offers to earn the money!
But I have personally gotten more paid emails from InboxDollars, at least 3 a day, whereas sometimes I don't get any paid emails from Send Earnings - At all!
Click on the banner to register:

Have fun earning money!!
Freebies for Friday, April 18
Nature Made Supplement Samples
Free Playtex® Drop-Ins® Original Nurser System
Free Krylon Fusion Color Creations Brochure And Scrapbooking Ideas Booklet
Free X20 Energy Drink Sample Pack
Free Sample Of Eas Whey Protein (Energy Athletic Strength)
Use Code 4127
Free Goodnites Boys And Girls Boxers From Wal-Mart
Free Winners Don't Use Drugs Comic Book For Your Kids
Free Sample Tea From Enjoying Tea
Free Sample Of Alaway Eye Drops
Free Krylon 4-in-1 Screwdriver Kit And Flashlight For Businesses
Free Organic Product Samples
Free Puppy Starter Kit - Very Nice! For Every Dog Owner!
Bath And Body Works Catalog
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Freebies for Thursday, April 17
Free Sunsilk Samples and $2 In Gift Cards - 5 to choose from
Free One Year Subscription To Golf Digest
Loreal Skin Genesis Samples
Free Sample Of Colgate Toothpaste - New Link
Nutrasweet No Calorie Sugar Samples
(Page is a little slow to load)
Free Yogi Tea Samples
Free Sample Issue Of Teen Ink For Your Teens
(Very Nice Magazine! I actually got this in the mail a few days earlier)
Free Sample Of Blue Buffalo Spa Select Cat Food
free sample of Caress Brazilian Exotic Oil Infusions Body Wash
Free Child ID And Fingerprint Kit - up to 5 kits
(Link is on the top next to "home")
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Free 2 weeks supply of clinique mascara samples
But it is a bit complicated.
So first you need to download a Bridal Beauty Countdown widget from them, but it's very small and you can always delete it later! (took my computer about 2 min to download it)
Then after it's installed you need to open it and you will see a big envelope near the bottom right corner, open it and you will need to fill out a pretty easy form, when it asks for the date that you're getting married on, I kinda just lied.. :P. Normally I don't do that but this is a great offer that I don't wanna miss out on it!
After the form is complete..You can delete the widget and wait for your mascara samples to arrive!
I really hope it comes!
Freebies for Wednesday, April 16
Free Mousepad - 3 to choose from
Free sample of Post-it flags
Free Flashlight *Texas Only
Free TrueTrack Smart System Glucose Meter
Free Sample Of Huggies Diapers
Free Sample Of Start Right Water Conditioner
Free Laci Le Beau Tea Sample
Free 14-Day Sample of Liquid Softgel Vitamin C
Free Glove Samples
Free Naruto 2 Demo Disc For Nintendo GameCube
Free Samples Of Natrol Products When You Join
Iced Tea Samples For A Friend (and a recipe booklet for yourself)
Free samples of tetley british blend tea
Free Dove Deodorant Samples From Costco
Free Sample Of 2X Ultra Tide From Costco
Free Mascara Samples From Clinique
Lots of freebies for today! So enjoy!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
MySurvey is a survey company that has new surveys almost everyday, and when they have a new one, they will send you the link via email. When you complete a survey, you are rewarded in points, and 100 point is equal to 1 US dollar, so you do the math.
After you get to 1000 points you can either get a check in the mail from them or save your points to buy some of the other rewards from them, which I don't really suggest since they often sell the products at a higher prize and they don't have that much to choose from.
The surveys are 10-20 points, they are really short (usually about 6 minutes for me), but after the short survey, they may have a longer survey survey for you based on your previous answers. Now, the longer surveys are basically where your points come from, since they are worth anywhere from 75 points to 500 points! I just completed a long survey that was 500 points, and my points went up immediately! I was so happy to have finally reached 1000 points (but only in 1 month!), and requested a check, I will keep you guys updated when the check comes.
Now what I really like about MySurvey: They have new surveys almost everyday, sometimes more than 1 each day, and when you get a invite, you ALWAYS qualify!! None of those "I'm sorry, but you don't qualify for this survey right" after you wasted 10 minutes doing a survey!!
And the points are in your account as soon as you finish the survey. Isn't that Great??
And you can earn 150 points ($1.50) for each of your referrals!
Also what I really suggest you do is download the MySurvey Messenger, it's kinda like a mail notifier but it tells you when there's a new survey available! And you get 40 points for just downloading it. So if you want, click here to download it.
So you see, MySurvey really is a great company that you should sign up for, and after you complete your first survey (which comes about a day after you register, or sooner), you can also get 15 points for your participation! Click here to sign up!
*An update - I just received a bottle of liquid hand soap to test for 2 weeks, it came in a box via USPS with a piece of paper that explained what I'm suppose to do. So they give you products to test, too! (funny, I don't remember signing up for this, though). And half way through your product testing they send you a nice little card reminding you that the product test is almost over! How nice!

*Another update: I just got my first $10 check from MySurvey! Click here to see it. It doesn't say anything about MySurvey on the check, but the envelope that it was in had MySurvey's company name on it. So I'm sure that it's from them.
Freebies for Tuesday, April 15
Free Organic Valley Underground Club Kit - Looks great!
Free Pet Safety Pack From ASPCA
Free Sample of Sweat Block Antiperspirant (needs confirmation)
Free sample of Pristine Skin Care products (email confirmation also)
Sally Hansen Lip Inflation Extreme - First 1000
(I just tried and they told me data was sent sucessfully, but hurry. Click on "Take a Quiz at the bottom")
Free sample of Aveeno POSITIVELY AGELESS™ Lifting & Firming NIGHT CREAM
Free Copy of The Allergy Sufferer's Survival Guide - nice
Free Sample of Neru Patch Foot And Leg Discomfort
Free Sample from Your Bag Lady
(Need to find a bag number on their site, just look through the bags that they have and choose 1)
Monday, April 14, 2008
Freebies for Monday, April 14
(have to be legal drinking age!)
Free Sample Of Kashi Granola
Free Nutritional Drink Sample
Free Sample And Coupons From Neoteric Cosmetics, Inc.
Free bookcovers and pins
FREE Comedy DVD from Outreach Comedy
Free Celebrity Photos - lots to choose from
Free Samples From Pet Pantry
!Free Prescription Savings Card! - 100% free to get and use, for people who don't have a prescription drug coverage
Icy Hot Pain Relieving Patch Samples
Prilosec OTC Heartburn Relief Samples
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Freebies for Sunday, April 13
Yarrah Organic Pet Food Sample
Free Xerox Color Printer - not a scam, great for home business
Free Fundraiser Cocoa Sample
Free Heart Health Gift
Free OB Carrying Case & Tampon Samples
Free Kitchen & Bathroom Workbook
Children's storybooks online
(turn on your pop-up blockers for this one!)
Free First Aid Kit - Suggested for everyone
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Freebies for Saturday, April 12
And here are the freebies for today:
Atheletes and Asthma kit
Free Nikon D60 Pen
(bottom of the page)
Free Sample of Just Like Sugar
Free Cash Old Jewelry Kit
Sample pack for your teenage daughter - very nice!
Friday, April 11, 2008
Send Earnings
With Send Earnings, you can earn money by:
- reading emails - 2 to 5 cents each. Usually about 2 emails per day will be send to you, you only have to click on the link to confirm that you read the email.
- completing offers - there are lots of free offers like signing up for other survey companies and getting freebies, about 25 cents to 1 dollar each. There's also some trial offers too if you like trying out softwares for a few weeks, they earn you 5 to 20 dollars each.
- doing surveys - daily surveys which can get you $0.50 per day.
- playing games - get 5 cents back into your account when you spend $1.
- shopping online - great cash back rates (up to 40%) for tons of online stores such as Adidas, Barnes and Nobles, Foot Locker, Skechers, and more.
- referring friends and family - get 10% of their earnings.
*It takes up to 2 days for SendEarnings to credit you, so don't worry if the money doesn't show up immediately in your account after you complete an offer. They WILL credit you eventually.
That's a lot of ways! And you can also get 5 dollars into your account as soon as you sign up for Send Earnings! But you need $30 of earnings to cash out for a check in the mail. (They now have a gold membership. After you request your first check, you automatically become a Gold Member, you can earn more referral rewards and you get weekly payments.)
I've been a member of Send Earnings for about 1.5 months now, and I have $20.74 in my account ! This company is great if you want to earn some extra cash every month, but not for people who don't have enough patience or needs money fast!
Freebies for Friday, April 11
Free SmartBiscuit Sample For Dogs
Free BOZ kit for preschool teachers
Free Blank DvD-R Worldwide Give Away
Free Australian Lamb Cookbook
Lots of free samples from StartSampling when you join
That's it for today.. Well, enjoy your weekend everyone!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Freebies for Thursday, April 10
Free Gift from MJ’s Fragrant Oils
Free sample of New-Formula Dial® Antibacterial Deodorant Soap
Free sample of Tide with Dawn® StainScrubbers
Sample and coupon from Aveeno
Free sample of Mr.Clean Magic Erase DUO
Free $5 Target Gift Card When You Complete The Survey
(Password is star)
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
You can earn really fast points by completing offers like signing up for other survey companies and doing daily surveys.
Each daily survey is 30 points, and you can also earn points each day by submitting a freebie, which gets you 2 points, so it's 32 points each day.
And if you complete all your member profiles after you sign up, you already have 100 points in your account, and you only need 500 points to get a $10 gift card to stores or restaurants.
So at that rate, you probably only need about 13 days to get your first gift card, and then 16 days for every other one.
Quizpoints also offers bigger rewards. Like $25, $50, or $300 gift cards. You can also cash out with PayPal, but the minimum amount is $10 (500 points)
Also, there is a bonus each month when you complete 15 surveys by the end of that month, you get an extra 250 points! So as you can see, it's really easy to get points. I've only been a member for 5 days, and I already made 260 pts! about $5..
They are legit! I have gotten paid several times from them before...
Click here to sign up for Quizpoints and start earning Gift Cards for Free!
Freebies for Wednesday, April 9
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
PineCone Research
PineCone Research is my favorite survey company, and (according to some of my friends) the best one out there!
First of all, unlike some other survey companies that has a minimum cash out amount, they send you checks the first business day after you complete a survey. They pay you $3 for surveys about 15-20 minutes long.
During the surveys, they will show you a picture of an ad for a new product, and then you'd have to answer some questions about how you liked the ad, and if you want to buy the product...etc, so it's pretty easy to do. And at the end of the survey you will be asked if you want to receive a sample of this product for free, so this is kind of like product testing too!
There is 1 downside to this company, though. Not everyone gets accepted and normally you'd have to find a banner that links to their website to sign up...
But the banners are still pretty hard to find,
Good Luck!
*Update: I have gotten at least 10 payments from them now (wasn't really keeping track), and even a new product for me to test! The checks came about 3 days after I did the survey online (faster if you use PayPal), click here for a proof of payment.*
Monday, April 7, 2008
2 Must-Haves
- Roboform - you are NOT gonna fill out hundreds of forms by hand, are you? Roboform allows you to fill out forms in the click of a button. I've used it for a long time now and loves it! Click here to download it for free!
- An additional email - NEVER use your real email to fill out forms for freebies, you'll never know if you'll get tons of junk mails afterwards. I suggest using a gmail, which blocks all spams. Click here to sign up for a free Gmail account.